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Filipinos’ financial literacy needs more push, Home Credit survey reveals

January 30, 2022 11:09 a.m.

The pandemic pushed many Filipinos to be mindful of their personal finances. However, there’s still immense concern on the state of financial literacy in the country. 

Both the 2015 World Bank (WB) survey and Central Bank’s 2019 financial inclusion survey revealed that only half of Filipino adults correctly answered financial literacy questions. 

This was supported by a survey from Home Credit where only 10% of the respondents correctly answered questions that test their knowledge on various financial concepts. 

The said survey was drawn from the consumer finance company’s self-crafted financial literacy quiz found in the My Home Credit App. 

A two-part quiz, it offers users a chance to answer a series of questions involving personal finance and other financial literacy items. 

To get an in-depth analysis of the quiz results, here’s a breakdown of the findings for each question: 
Findings of Quiz 1: Basics of Budgeting, Digital Literacy, and Cybersecurity 

More than 25,000 respondents took the first quiz that covers topics on basics of budgeting, digital literacy, and cybersecurity.

Within May to December 2021, the respondents mostly belong to the age group of 25-39 years old and 63% or majority are female. 

From the results, only 10% got all correct answers from the six questions.

When asked about managing finances, almost half (as many as 10,000) did not apply the ideal saving formula in their monthly budget; they prioritize expenses first and save what is left. 

On interest computation, 57% got the correct answer and the remaining half either got the wrong computation or does not know how to answer.

On a related question about inflation, respondents were asked about the impact of inflation and only 41.8% had the right understanding of its effects on their purchasing power and borrowing decisions. 

Filipinos seemed to be more knowledgeable on investments and risk diversification. 

When asked whether they will spread their money to multiple investments or focus on just one, almost 73% chose to put it into multiple investments to limit their losses, 22.5% for one investment and 4.6% do not know the answer.

Aside from inflation and basic numeracy concepts, cybersecurity and safety are also one of the concepts that are not well-understood by the takers with only 43.4% getting the correct answer – a number slightly lower than 47.8% before the covered period. 

On the flip side, most respondents aced the question on what tasks can be done using digital financial tools at 97%.

The social distancing measures brought by the pandemic might be a huge factor on how well-versed Filipinos have become in using fintech tools for daily transactions. 

In summary, results show that the respondents’ knowledge on all financial literacy concepts mentioned above are in the intermediate level with scores falling under 3 to 4 out of 6.

Basic numeracy, inflation, and cybersecurity and safety are the least understood concepts as indicated in the survey. 

Findings of Quiz 2: The Basics of Budgeting, Saving and Borrowing

The second leg of the financial literacy quiz zoomed in on the basics: budgeting, saving and borrowing.

Launched in September, it covers the period of launch until September, there are over 19,000 responses, with more females attempting to take the quiz and from the age group of 25-39 years old. 

The first three questions concentrated on how to properly plan a monthly budget and how to compute for an emergency fund.

Most quiz takers (66.8%) know that every month, they should at least make a budget plan and 88.4% know that the ideal amount of emergency fund should cover 3 to 6 months’ worth of expenses.

However, only ¼ of users know how to set a SMART Financial goal. 

Regarding the basics of borrowing, almost all (95%) of quiz takers know that paying bills on time every month can help improve their credit score.

A total of 77.1% also answered that a consumer finance company is an institution that could help them avail cash or product loans.

On the similar topic of loan application, 83% knows the concept of loan repayment but only half of respondents know what a cooling off period in a loan is about; 65% knows that there are different ways that could help them approve their loans (such as preparing requirements ahead of time, borrowing an amount that you can pay, etc). 

Looking at the findings of the second quiz, majority of Filipinos have a proper understanding of the basics of some financial concepts but would need guidance on comprehending more specific terms.

Regardless, the results of the second quiz show that the level of financial literacy in the country is promising and would continue to improve if taught properly. 

This is where companies advocating for financial literacy come in. One of which is Home Credit Philippines, a longtime financial provider and financial educator both in global and domestic markets.

Through Wais sa Home, their financial and digital literacy program, they address the concerns revealed in the survey through various initiatives and activities aimed at driving financial inclusion and raising financial literacy standards amongst Filipinos. 

“Our business model and the focal point of our corporate social responsibility efforts is centered on responsible lending. We want to help create responsible borrowers and good payers through financial education and digital financial literacy,” says Home Credit Philippines Chief Marketing Officer Sheila Paul. 

To reach a wider audience and have a steady source of important financial and digital literacy concepts, Home Credit is launching its Wais sa Home website soon to allow more people to gain knowledge on basic money management and digital skills. 


TikTok enhances safety, transparency for Filipino community with new initiatives

7:01 p.m. July 16, 2023

TikTok, the world’s leading short-form video platform, is taking further steps to ensure a safer and more transparent platform for its Filipino community. In response to the evolving digital landscape and the rise of AI-generated content (AIGC), these initiatives are designed to maintain a secure environment, uphold community guidelines, and ensure users can trust the content they encounter on the platform.

Strengthening Community Guidelines Enforcement

As part of its ongoing efforts to safeguard its community, TikTok recently published its Q1 2024 Community Guidelines Enforcement Report. During this period from January 1 to March 31, 2024, TikTok removed 4.26 million videos in the Philippines for violations of its Community Guidelines. Of these, 99.7% were removed proactively, and 95% were taken down within 24 hours.

To further enhance transparency, TikTok updated its Community Guidelines in April to provide clearer rules and introduce new features that help creators understand and comply with policies. Available in English and Filipino, these guidelines include detailed definitions and outline moderation practices for features like Search, LIVE, and the For You feed, ensuring policies are clear and accessible to all users.

Advancing AI-Generated Content Transparency

In response to the increasing prevalence of AI-generated content, TikTok has implemented new measures for transparency. Since May, TikTok has automatically labeled AI-generated content uploaded from specific platforms. This initiative is part of a collaboration with MediaWise, a program of the Poynter Institute, and the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), making TikTok the first video-sharing platform to adopt C2PA’s Content Credentials technology. These labels aim to provide users with clear context about the nature of the content they consume.

Educating the Community with Media Literacy Tools

To support its community in navigating AI-generated content and combating misinformation, TikTok is launching new media literacy resources. Developed in collaboration with experts, these resources are integral to TikTok’s broader strategy to enhance user understanding and foster a more informed community. As part of this initiative, TikTok has partnered with MediaWise to release 12 educational videos throughout the year. These videos aim to teach universal media literacy skills and explain how TikTok’s AI-generated content labels can help contextualize content. This partnership underscores TikTok’s commitment to educating its community and fostering a more informed user base.

Expanding AIGC Labeling Through Partnerships

Building on its efforts to ensure content transparency, TikTok has extended its auto-labeling capabilities for AI-generated content created on other platforms. By integrating the ability to read Content Credentials from C2PA, TikTok automatically recognizes and labels AI-generated content, with plans to expand this to audio-only content soon.

In the coming months, TikTok plans to attach Content Credentials to its content, ensuring transparency even when content is downloaded, allowing users to utilize C2PA’s Verify tool to identify AI-generated content and understand its creation details.

Driving Industry-Wide Adoption

In its mission to promote industry-wide adoption of Content Credentials, TikTok has joined the Adobe-led Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI). As the first video-sharing platform to implement Content Credentials, TikTok is at the forefront of encouraging transparent content practices across the industry. The gradual increase in auto-labeled AI-generated content on TikTok is expected to grow as more platforms adopt this technology, fostering a more transparent digital landscape.

For You Feed and Creator Code of Conduct

To further enhance safety, TikTok has introduced new standards that will temporarily restrict accounts that repeatedly violate content standards. These accounts and their content will be harder to find in search, with creators being notified and given the option to appeal.

Additionally, TikTok published a Creator Code of Conduct outlining the standards expected from creators involved in TikTok programs, features, events, and campaigns. This code reinforces TikTok’s commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive platform.

Through these measures, TikTok continues to focus on helping its community, especially creators, understand its rules and enforcement methods to ensure a safer experience for its users. By embracing continuous innovation and collaboration, TikTok strives to create a secure and inclusive space for creativity and connection.

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SM Prime, DTI empower MSMEs with 83 SM mall spaces, training, mentorship

(L-R): SM Prime Chairman of the Executive Committee Hans Sy and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Alfredo Pascual

9:15 p.m. July 12, 2024

Good news for Micro-, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs)! SM Prime Holdings (SM Prime) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) solidified a partnership through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing ceremony held on July 1 at the SM Prime Headquarters.

This collaboration empowers MSMEs with prime mall space in 83 SM Malls nationwide, aligning with the One Town, One Product (OTOP) Philippines program. Besides providing space, SM Prime offers MSMEs discounted booth rentals, training programs on product development, marketing, financial management, and mentorship opportunities with experienced business leaders.

SM Supermalls’ President Steven Tan (3rd from left) and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Alfredo Pascual (3rd from right) with (L-R): SM Supermalls’ Assistant Vice President for Operations Royston Cabunag, SM Supermalls’ Vice President for Operations Junias Eusebio, DTI Undersecretary for Micro-, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSME) Development Group Cristina Roque, and DTI-Bureau of Market Development, Promotions, and One Town, One Product (OTOP) Philippines Director Marievic Bonoan
Key signatories from SM and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) sign the Memorandum of Agreement.
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Undersecretary for Micro-, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSME) Development Group Cristina Roque

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DTI National Food Fair celebrates local flavors at SM Megamall

8:26 p.m. July 11, 2024

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) successfully concluded the 10th National Food Fair at SM Megamall’s Megatrade Halls 1-3, held from July 3-7, 2024. This premier event showcased the rich flavors of the Philippines and empowered over 200 Micro-, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs).

Food enthusiasts enjoyed a bounty of fresh produce, regional specialties, and delectable treats from all corners of the country. Attendees had the opportunity to stock up on pantry staples, explore health-conscious options, and discover unique ingredients to elevate their cooking skills.

(L-R): Megatrade Hall’s Maite Quiogue, SM Supermalls’ Assistant Vice President for Operations Royston Cabunag, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Undersecretary for Micro-, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSME) Development Group Cristina Roque, Guest of Honor Winnie Chua-Go, SM Megamall Assistant Vice President for Operations Christian Mathay, SM Supermalls’ Vice President for Corporate Marketing Grace Magno, DTI-Bureau of Market Development, Promotions, and One Town, One Product (OTOP) Philippines Director Marievic Bonoan, and SM Megamall Assistant Mall Manager Isabella Manjon

(L-R): Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Undersecretary for Micro-, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSME) Development Group Cristina Roque, Guest of Honor Winnie Chua-Go, and DTI-Bureau of Market Development, Promotions, and One Town, One Product (OTOP) Philippines Director Marievic Bonoan

The 2024 Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Bagong Pilipinas National Food Fair brings together the best food and flavors from all 16 regions.

Fresh pomelos and other local fruits take center stage at the National Food Fair in Megatrade Hall.

A potential buyer gets ready to take home bottled Bicol Express and Laing at the 10th National Food Fair in SM Megamall.

Crispy, salty, and packed with nutrients —these water spinach chips are the perfect healthy snack.

Bottled honey and baked fruit crisps, all made with local ingredients.

Davao del Sur and Misamis Oriental’s chocolate products are crafted from premium cacao beans.

Quality golden salted eggs from Rizal.

A variety of coconut products from San Pablo, Laguna.

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